Saturday, May 7, 2022

EOTO 3 Reflection (Cable News)

 Cable News...  

The evolution of news is quite jarring, as is any evolution regarding how news is gathered and spread. As we learned about wire services/news agencies and how technology eventually changed a lot of how that was spread, cable tv/news has become one of the most popular ways for one to receive news.

CNN was founded in 1980 by Ted Turner along with 300 other original employees. It is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of WarnerMedia, and it was the first cable news service to provide broadcast news for a full 24 hours. Due to this being so new, people were reluctant at first to believe what reporters from CNN were stating due to their previous reliance on newspapers. Once CNN was able to do in-depth coverage regarding the bombing within the First Gulf Waar, they grew and garnered a lot more attention. 

Moving on into the mid to late 90s, a new service came on the scene titled Fox News. Fox News is set up differently than CNN as it appeals more to the conservative crowd while CNN leans more toward the liberal side. Fox needed to compete and wanted to be different, so they operated more on the level of political commentary.

CNN and Fox news to this day are some of the most prominent services in which news is spread. CNN needs to be more liberal and focused more on being straightforward with the news while Fox focuses more on almost a sense of entertainment and keeping situations light as they are conservative. 

While these forms of news are very popular still to this day, social media has brought in a whole new wave of people. Twitter has become a space for a lot of political figures and is where a lot of people receive their daily news.

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